Syllabus for French 1

Syllabus for French 1—Monsieur Hardy

What you will learn this year:

  • How to greet others and to find out information about people
  • Tell about and describe yourself, your family, friends and your world: at home and at school
  • Tell, write about and compare things you do at home and school
  • Use and recognize questions to find out information about others
  • Describe, ask about and tell about where things are
  • Learn to say, read and understand communication in the present, past and near future
  • Discover and be able to compare French speaking cultures and customs with our own in Texas
  • How music can make you a better language learner!

Throughout the year, we will constantly practice:


There is only one objective in this class: to learn how to communicate in French. To be able to read, write, speak and understand well enough to communicate with a Francophone person.
Any other activity in this classroom is inappropriate!

Il y a juste un objectif dans cette classe: apprendre à communiquer en français. Être capable de lire, écrire, parler et comprendre assez bien pour communiquer avec une personne francophone.
Toute autre activité dans cette classe est inappropriée!

Be responsible: be an active participant: listen, take notes, ask questions, engage in your own learning. :)
Soyez responsables: soyez un participant actif: écoutez, prenez des notes, posez des questions, engagez-vous dans votre apprentissage :)

Be respectful: treat others how you would like to be treated, celebrate diversity and differences. Leave the classroom no worse for your having been here!

Soyez respectueux: traitez les autres comme vous voulez être traité, célébrez la diversité et les différences. Laissez la salle de classe dans le même état que vous l’avez trouvé: ou mieux!

Class room Expectations:

  1. Stand and greet adults who enter the room with « Bonjour Monsieur! Or Bonjour Madame! »
(Also: stand at the beginning of class to hear the day's objectives.)
2.     Listen attentively and politely when the teacher or other students are speaking to the class.  (and be ready to take notes.)
3.     Be in your seat and ready to learn when the bell rings. Immediately follow all instructions on the screen, desk, board etc. (exp. Have a marker/eraser/notebook/pen ready to use)
(30 minute detention after three tardies!)
4. Always have a book to read for SSR!
(30 minute detention second and subsequent times you do not have a book!)

Tutorial Hours: Tuesday-Thursday before school. Students that cannot meet during these times can make an individual appointment with me for an alternate time. Come to tutorials with questions and materials!

Class Supplies for French 1:
This class will use classroom notes, handouts, and internet activities extensively.  All students should have a system for taking and organizing these notes and handouts!
(a designated binder/folder for this class)
VERY IMPORTANT: To quickly assess understanding and providing feedback in class we use individual white boards.  A package of dry erase markers AND a dry erase eraser (or cloth) is essential!
If you do not have a place for notes and supplies to write on the white boards your participation, progress and learning in this class and will be limited!
Amazon link for supplies: (or any combo of markers and an eraser!)

Additional requested supplies by class:

2nd Kleenex                                       
6th Pump bottle of hand sanitizer

3rd Kleenex                                                          7th Pump bottle of hand sanitizer
5th Kleenex                                                         

Class information and documentation will be at Google Classroom: . Students can join the class with this code:    feglqb
We will use Quizlet often in class to practice vocabulary. Please download the Quizlet app onto your smartphone! On a computer join your class by going to: or load: David_Hardy4 into the app! J

The blog that will also be used to communicate!:

Need help? Practice? Want to be the very best? !!!:  Some of the nicest and best students in the school are members of the elite National French Honor Society. They are sworn to help all students achieve their best in French.  They will be available to help before and after school!

Grading Policy

25 % formative--may include homework, quizzes, warm-ups, class work, lab work, daily quizzes, class participation, lab activities. Students are responsible for a daily and homework stamp grid which will reflect many of the formative grades given in class. A tally will be made each 3 weeks and be reflected in progress reports.  It is the student’s responsibility to keep track of the performance sheet!

75% summative--may include tests (written and oral) major projects or papers

  • SSR: It is an expectation that all Smith students have appropriate reading material with them every day to engage in meaningful reading. This is a campus wide policy! The first instructional day of the week will be the “official” reading day for this class, but students should always have something to read with them every day! When the teacher is absent this should always be available!

    • Notez: We have a sister school in Alençon, Normandy, France with whom we have communicated through video conferences each year since 2002. We also sponsor guest speakers from Africa and other French speaking areas. J Join the French club this year to experience French culture and music we don’t have time to enjoy in class!! J


Monsieur Hardy

Please return this page signed!!!

Syllabus for French 1—Monsieur Hardy

Student Name: ______________________________________          Class Period:______
                          LAST                                   FIRST          

I have read this syllabus and understand the following: supplies needed for class, grading policy, tardy policy, rules and expectations for behavior, tutorial hours, and how to contact Monsieur Hardy.

I will come to class prepared with my required supplies, pay attention and give 100% effort, and complete my assignments on time. I will also act in a respectful manner towards my teacher and classmates, and I will follow the rules and procedures of Monsieur Hardy’s classroom.

Student Signature: ___________________________________

I have read this syllabus and understand the following: supplies needed for class, grading policy, tardy policy, rules and expectations for behavior, tutorial hours, and how to contact Monsieur Hardy.

I understand that Monsieur Hardy has high expectations for his students and will do my part to support her in helping my student reach these goals.

Parent Signature: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­____________________________________

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