French AP Mock exam links

Mock exam group:
(link to google page: you can leave links/comments etc.)
A mes chers élèves: Kendal, Jake, et Richard.
Félicitations! Vous terminez vos études à Smith ET vous allez passer l’examen AP français. Bravo!
Je suis très fier de vous!
Many Smith students have taken the AP successfully. You will too!
Kendal s'exprime en français 1
AP thoughts already! You are in good company! 

To do list:
  • Set up (if you have not already done so) an account at AP Central.
Sign in
We will probably work on the 2017 test together (so do examples from the others!)
A few of them you can definitely practice for in advance. (essay, email, conversation)
  • Make time to practice each day!
If you do a writing sample show it to Mme Rodriguez and ask for feedback!

Remember: passing scores on the AP are based on your ability to communicate ideas, not perfect spelling or grammar. Also: count on using contextual clues to help make sense of some of the vocabulary.

Mots pour vous encourager:

You are scored on what you are able to understand and communicate

Email example:
You do NOT need to know how to write EVERY email/letter opening and closing salutation, just one that is formal, and one that is informal. Choose one! (quizlet link)
Other email 'astuces':
Is it formal or informal? Did you choose the right opening/close?
Are there questions you need to answer? (there should be two: did you answer them?)
Always ask your own question for more information and say something that shows you are interested.
Close appropriately.
You just got a five on the email!

Before we have our 'mock exam day':

  • look at all of the sections of a previous test. Try each one (previous tests at AP central or another you may have from Amazon)
  • Get feedback from Mme Rodriguez on an email and an essay. 
I'll probably use the Barron's test 2 and the 2017 test for us to practice with: don't practice with those two, save it for the day of the test!

Look for places to listen to French. Great practice is at the Un jour Un actu site.

Here are some topics we studied before the AP the last year I taught:
Une éducation pour tous, La pauvreté (salaire minimum) et L'amitié (tu es un bon ami?) Apparently, Kendal only likes hard working friends, so get going if you want to be her friend!
Link to some of the lessons we did leading up to the exam.
ou can also familiarize yourselves with thematic vocabulary on quizlet:  Quizlet practice vocab. That is not as effective as reading/listening, but you may feel better about it all.

Bored: here is a very complete list of tips from a very intense French teacher! :)

On the day of the mock exam...
  • Common problems: timing: je ne savais pas combien de temps restait! Je n'ai pas mentionné toutes les sources! j'étais fatigué: je n'avais pas mangé
  • un email: tu peux en écrire une? (pratiquer comment adresser les gens)
  • à choix multiple: deux essais, la conversation
  • pour bien écrire: comparaisons culturelles + un essai persuasif

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