Syllabus for French Advanced 2016

Syllabus and class information- le français avancé
Professeur : M. Hardy

Overview: Materials and methods used in French PreAP (2016-2017):
 Because this is a mixed level pre-AP class an effort will be made to include readings, music and other audio-visual materials which work toward the AP model:
 Spoken Interpersonal Communication
Written Interpersonal Communication
Audio, Visual, and Audiovisual Interpretive Communication
Written and Print Interpretive Communication
Spoken Presentational Communication
Written Presentational Communication

  • The class will be taught using conversation, stories, reading, computer enhanced learning, movie clips and music. Communication in French, orally and in writing are the primary focus of the course, using situations and vocabulary which would allow a student to feel comfortable using the language with a native speaker, for pleasure or on the job. We have chosen to mix the advanced level classes and vary the content of the course from year to year. 
  • Skills we will work on: Learning to talk about your world in the past/present/future, to compare with others and to synthesize information from things we read, watch or experience.

The content (novels/movies/stories/articles) varies from year to year.

There is only one objective in this class: to learn how to communicate in French. To be able to read, write, speak and understand well enough to communicate with a Francophone person.
Any other activity in this classroom is inappropriate!

Il y a juste un objectif dans cette classe: apprendre à communiquer en français. Être capable de lire, écrire, parler et comprendre assez bien pour communiquer avec une personne francophone.
Toute autre activité dans cette classe est inappropriée!

Be responsible: be an active participant: listen, take notes, ask questions, engage in your own learning. :)
Soyez responsables: soyez un participant actif: écoutez, prenez des notes, posez des questions, engagez-vous dans votre apprentissage :)

Be respectful: treat others how you would like to be treated, celebrate diversity and differences. Leave the classroom no worse for your having been here!

Soyez respectueux: traitez les autres comme vous voulez être traité, célébrez la diversité et les différences. Laissez la salle de classe dans le même état que vous l’avez trouvé: ou mieux!

Class room Expectations:

  1. Stand and greet adults who enter the room with « Bonjour Monsieur! Or Bonjour Madame! »
(Also: stand at the beginning of class to hear the day's objectives.)
2.     Listen attentively and politely when the teacher or other students are speaking to the class.  (and be ready to take notes.)
3.     Be in your seat and ready to learn when the bell rings. Immediately follow all instructions on the screen, desk, board etc. (exp. Have a marker/eraser/notebook/pen ready to use)
 (detention after three tardies!)
4. Always have a book to read for SSR! (detention second and subsequent times you do not have a book!)

Tutorial Hours: Tuesday-Thursday before school. Students that cannot meet during these times can make an individual appointment with me for an alternate time. Come to tutorials with questions and materials!
Amazon link for supplies:
Class Supplies for French Advanced:
This class will use classroom notes, handouts, and internet activities extensively.  All students should have a system for taking and organizing these notes and handouts! (a designated binder/folder for this class)
VERY IMPORTANT: To quickly assess understanding and providing feedback in class we use individual white boards.  A package of dry erase markers AND a dry erase eraser (or cloth) is essential!
If you do not have a place for notes and supplies to write on the white boards your participation,  progress and learning in class and will be limited!

Additional requested supplies by class:

2nd Kleenex                                       
6th Pump bottle of hand sanitizer

3rd Kleenex                                                          7th Pump bottle of hand sanitizer
5th Kleenex                                                         
Class information and documentation will be at Google Classroom: . Students can join the class with this code:    449wwql
We will use Quizlet often in class to practice vocabulary. Please download the Quizlet app onto your smartphone! On a computer join your class by going to: or load: David_Hardy4 into the app! J

A blog that may also be used to communicate!:

Grading Policy

25 % formative--may include homework, quizzes, warm-ups, class work, lab work, daily quizzes, class participation, lab activities. Students are responsible for a daily and homework stamp grid which will reflect many of the formative grades given in class. A tally will be made each 3 weeks and be reflected in progress reports.  It is the student’s responsibility to keep track of the performance sheet!

75% summative--may include tests (written and oral) major projects or papers

  • SSR: It is an expectation that all Smith students have appropriate reading material with them every day to engage in meaningful reading. This is a campus wide policy! The first instructional day of the week will be the “official” reading day for this class, but students should always have something to read with them every day!

  • Ernest et Célestine: film which explores poverty/hunger/race differences et/ou Les Choristes, un film qui montre comment une personne peut influencer et peut-être changer la vie d’une autre .

  • Peur sur la Ville: a short novel that explores what happens when a French city is under great stress (city government/organization/ moral choices and consequences/ social consequences of decisions)
  • Le voyage Perdu (novel) (practice reading in the past/summarizing texts/ cultural comparisons etc.

  • Other Vidéos: Sam en France: a series of videos that explore the misadventures of  an American trying to fit in in France (personal identity/ the realities of ‘fitting in’ culturally in a different country)

  • Musique: Music is not only a beautiful tool for language learning, it can enhance vocabulary, pronunciation and listening skills.

  • We are also doing a cross cultural comparison between a Francophone culture (or possibly a sub-Saharan francophone culture) /France and the USA. A guest speaker from the World Affairs council will present about life and work in a Francophone culture. Students will explore and compare: la vie spirituelle/ la vie de tous les jours/ la vie politique/ les arts/ le monde des affaires/ l’école et l’éducation/ la vie de famille (Last year was a guest speaker from Algeria. J)

    • This project covers many of the AP cultural themes from the entire year in one unit! Family/arts/business/social and environmental challenges etc.

·          Lessons about the language (grammar!) are very important: They will be taught as we need them to accomplish linguistic goals. For instance, as we get to know each other at the first of the year we will review at least 20-25 different verbs in the present tense comparing activities we'll associate with each other. To compare our summer or life experiences will require a review of the past tenses, but in the context of sharing information about each other. Tex and Tammy (for grammar!)
French 4 students may be graded accordingly and expectations for performance will be also in accord with their level. The course will be conducted in French except for explanations, instructions, and beginning of year activities.
Lawless French is an invaluable resource! 

·          Level 4 students will be required to listen to and/or read French at least 30 minutes each week, recording a short (30 words or so) synopsis of what they heard/saw. The source could be a film on Netflix or DVD in French, songs, something read/listened to on the internet (the news in simple French for example) News feed for RFI: les nouvelles en français (click a date to read and/or listen!)

  • SSR: It is an expectation that all Smith students have appropriate reading material with them every day to engage in meaningful reading. This is a campus wide policy! The first instructional day of the week will be the “official” reading day for this class, but students should always have something to read with them every day!
Grading: Daily and homework: 25%; oral and written tests 75%
Students are responsible for a daily and homework stamp grid which will reflect many of the formative grades given in class. A tally will be made each 3 weeks and be reflected in progress reports.  It is the student’s responsibility to keep track of the performance sheet!

Daily Participation: Participating includes contributing to stories and discussions, listening to me and your classmates, asking questions when you do not understand, taking notes when appropriate, and speaking as much French as you can. 
An important part of daily participation is bell-to-bell learning.  My expectation is that when the bell rings, you will be in your seat, in dress code, with your binder out and open and a pen/pencil out.  You will have looked at the agenda on the board and written down the date and any material already on the board or screen.  In other words, you will be prepared.  Also, I expect you to keep your materials out until I tell you to pack up at the end of class, and to write down any homework assignment in an assignment notebook when it is assigned.   

It goes without saying that all students must follow any rule or procedure in the stud ent handbook.

Materials students will need to have in class every day:
Classroom supplies: All students will need a packet of dry erase markers and a dry eraser for class participation! Amazon link for supplies:
Students will also need a folder appropriate for keeping sequential class notes as well as pockets to organize the many hand-outs we will use this year.
*French-English Dictionary (highly recommended)
Additional Supplies by Class:

     2nd Kleenex                                              
5th Pump bottle of hand sanitizer

3rd Kleenex                                              7th Pump bottle of hand sanitizer
4th Kleenex                                                         

Tuesday-Thursday 7:40-8:15 if no other meeting is scheduled for me. Other times just let me know in advance. Students should come to tutorials with all needed materials and a question.

Bathroom breaks: No bathroom breaks will be given during the first fifteen minutes of class. Students will be given a pass each semester which allows a maximum of six opportunities to leave the classroom per semester

Department activities that give students a chance to use the language and explore French culture:
·                    Video conferences and homestays: There will be 7-8 opportunities during the year to speak directly with students live in Alençon, a small village in Normandy, France. Many students have developed lifelong friendships from this relationship. We are planning to go to Alençon in 2016 to visit the homes and school of our French friends.

·                     · French club: The Smith French club has been one of the most active on campus for over 32 years. Annual events include field trips (art museums, French bakeries, dining events, guest speakers, French Christmas and other holiday celebrations, among many others. We meet on all club days and other times after school. Dues for the club are $10 per year if you decide to belong to the organization. The club does sponsor many events (including video conferences, contests, films, guest speakers) that do not require membership. (Fees are used for transportation for field trips, prizes, parties etc.)
  • National French Honor Society: Students who maintain a 90 + average for a minimum of three consecutive semesters (and who have at least 83+ in other courses) may apply for membership to this sister organization of the National Honor Society. Members graduate with an additional French diploma seal and are entitled to wear the French cord of honor at graduation. Student members are required to maintain an 'A' average in French as well as perform service requirements.

·      Your child is expected to behave appropriately in class. Your signature shows that you have looked over the syllabus and expectations with your child.
·        Your child has a package of dry erase markers and a dry erase eraser to use in class.
·        Any behavior which disrupts learning in the classroom will be addressed according to school policy and I may take the opportunity in that case to call and work with you to meet the needs of your son or daughter.  I do look forward to seeing you at parent meetings this year!

Parental and student recognition of receipt and content of this packet:

_____________________________ Student signature

____________________________ Parent signature/

Parent daytime phone number ___________________

Unit Description 
In each of the six thematic units of instruction, all of the following six modes of communication will be addressed using authentic francophone materials where possible. 

Spoken Interpersonal Communication
ü  Impromptu conversations
ü  Role play
ü  Socratic seminar
ü  Telephone conversations
ü  Video conference
Written Interpersonal Communication
ü  Blogs
ü  E-mails
ü  Letters
ü  Pen-pals
ü  Postcards
ü  Social networking

Spoken Presentational Communication
ü  Debates
ü  Group presentations
ü  Impromptu spoken presentations
ü  Interviews
ü  Mock elections
ü  Project presentations
ü  Skits
ü  Speeches
ü  Videos

Written Presentational Communication
ü  Articles
ü  Autobiography
ü  Brochures
ü  Comic strips
ü  Essays
ü  Journals
ü  Message boards
ü  Poetry
ü  Review or critique
ü  Stories

Audio, Visual, and Audiovisual Interpretive Communication
ü  Advertisements
ü  Art and photographs
ü  Authentic video
ü  Dictations
ü  Music videos
ü  News programs
ü  Podcasts
ü  Radio
ü  Songs
ü  Sound files from Internet
Written and Print Interpretive Communication
ü  Literature
ü  Magazine articles
ü  Newspaper articles
ü  Poetry
ü  Short stories
ü  Websites

General Guide to Thematic Units
Each unit of instruction is based on one of the six themes of the AP French Language and Culture Exam and will focus on one or more of the sub-themes. Every unit will include the following: vocabulary, grammar, listening, reading, interpersonal speaking, presentational speaking, interpersonal writing, and presentational writing.

ü ý þ ü ý þ ü ý þ ü ý þ ü ý þ ü ý þ ü ý þ ü ý þ ü ý þ ü ý þ ü ý þ

Ma famille et ma vie/la vie contemporaine : qui je suis, où j’habite, ce que je fais + comparaisons avec une autre culture francophone…
(les travaux domestiques)

Les défis sociaux : la faim dans le monde…

La Beauté : (avant la visite du musée) C’est quoi la beauté ? l’art ?

Unité 1: La vie contemporaine (Contemporary Life)

Time frame: August/September

Sub-themes: advertising and marketing, education, holidays and celebrations, housing and shelter, leisure and sports, professions, rites of passage, travel

1.     Vocabulary
ü  Vocabulary associated with professions and acquiring a job
ü  Idiomatic expressions and proverbs
ü  French slang

2.    Grammar
ü  Nouns and articles
ü  Present tense (regular and irregular)
ü  Imperative
ü  Conditional, future and associated compound tenses (conditional perfect and future perfect)
ü  Si clauses

3.    Listening
ü  Inverviews with French professionals from

4.    Reading
ü  Chapter 17 “Au travail” from Civilisation Progressive Du Français
ü  Le secret de Maître Cornille from Allons au-delà!

5.    Interpersonal Speaking
ü  Mock job interview
ü  Sélection Numéro 7 from AP French (Ladd)

6.    Presentational Speaking
ü  Oral presentation chosen profession and job options
in a French-speaking country

7.    Interpersonal Writing
ü  E-mail reply to temp agency

8.    Presentational Writing
ü  Sélection Numéro 4 from AP French (Ladd)

Unité 2: La science et la technologie (Science and Technology)

Time frame: September/October

Sub-themes: current research topics, discoveries and inventions, ethical questions, future technologies, intellectual property, the new media, social impact of technology

1.     Vocabulary
ü  Vocabulary associated with 21st century technology
ü  Idiomatic expressions and proverbs
ü  French slang

2.    Grammar
ü  Past tenses (passé composé, imperfect, pluperfect)
ü  Passé simple
ü  Comparative and superlative

3.    Listening
ü  Radio Canada: 1er févr. 2011, « Pour un courriel efficace »

4.    Reading
ü  Chapter 15 “Une industrie innovante” from Civilisation Progressive Du Français
ü  La mauvaise surprise Kindle from Allons au-delà!

5.    Interpersonal Speaking
ü  Simulated smart phone conversation
ü  Sélection Numéro 3 from AP French (Ladd)

6.    Presentational Speaking
ü  Oral presentation on advancement of technology

7.    Interpersonal Writing
ü  E-mail reply to media download company

8.    Presentational Writing
ü  Sélection Numéro 7 from AP French (Ladd)

La vie de Marie Curie

Unité 3: L’esthétique (Beauty and Aesthetics)

Time frame: November/December

Sub-themes: architecture, contributions to world artistic heritage, ideals of beauty, literature, music, performing and visual arts

1.     Vocabulary
ü  Vocabulary associated with visual arts
ü  Idiomatic expressions and proverbs
ü  French slang

2.    Grammar
ü  Adjectives
ü  Adverbs
ü  Interrogative sentences
ü  Interrogative adjectives and pronouns

3.  Listening
ü  Audio guide from the Musée du quai Branly from

4.  Reading
ü  Chapter 20 “Les grands courants artistiques” from Civilisation Progressive Du Français
ü  Oscar et Erick from Allons au-delà!

5.  Interpersonal Speaking
ü  Mock museum conversation

6.  Presentational Speaking
ü  Oral presentation on Francophone artist, focusing on style

7.  Interpersonal Writing
ü  E-mail reply to curator of museum

8.  Presentational Writing
ü  Sélection Numéro 2 from AP French (Ladd)

Unité 4: Les défis mondiaux (Global Challenges)

Time frame: December/ January

Sub-themes: diversity issues, economic issues, environmental issues, health issues, human rights, nutrition and food safety, peace and war

1.     Vocabulary
ü  Vocabulary associated with nutrition and health
ü  Idiomatic expressions and proverbs
ü  French slang

2.    Grammar
ü  Subjunctive (present and past)
ü  Reflexive verbs (present and past)
ü  Passive voice
ü  Prepositions

3.    Listening
ü  Video clips on nutrition from (YouTube)

4.    Reading
ü  Chapter 25 “À table” from Civilisation Progressive Du Français
ü  Articles from and
ü  Une generation “élèvé au fromage pasturisé et au soda” from Allons au-delà!
ü  Cantine scolaire: ceux que l’on vous cache from Allons au-delà!

5.    Interpersonal Speaking
ü  Mock party food conversation
ü  Sélection Numéro 10 from AP French (Ladd)

6.    Presentational Speaking
ü  Oral presentation on causes and solutions to global hunger

7.    Interpersonal Writing
ü  E-mail reply to food bank

8.    Presentational Writing
ü  Sélection Numéro 5 from AP French (Ladd)

Unité 5: La famille et la communaute (Families and Communities)

Time frame: February/ March

Sub-themes: age and class, childhood and adolescence, citizenship, customs and ceremonies, family structures, friendship and love

1.     Vocabulary
ü  Vocabulary associated with friendship and love
ü  Idiomatic expressions and proverbs
ü  French slang

2.    Grammar
ü  Relative pronouns and clauses
ü  Participles and infinitives
ü  Negative sentences and indefinites
ü  Possessive and demonstrative adjectives and pronouns

3.    Listening
ü  French love songs

4.    Reading
ü  Chapter 17 “Au travail” from Civilisation Progressive Du Français
ü  La legende de Tristan et Iseult from Allons au-delà!

5.    Interpersonal Speaking
ü  Mock conversation with girlfriend/boyfriend
ü  Sélection Numéro 4 from AP French (Ladd)

6.    Presentational Speaking
ü  Oral presentation on the role of the best friend

7.    Interpersonal Writing
ü  E-mail reply to celebrity fan letter
o   (student will play role of celebrity)

8.    Presentational Writing
ü  Essay on relationships using 3 sources (Ladd)

Unité 6: La quête de soi (Personal and Public Identities)

Time frame: March/April

Sub-themes: alienation and assimilation, beliefs and values, gender and sexuality, language and identity, multiculturalism, nationalism and patriotism

1.     Vocabulary
ü  Vocabulary associated with multiculturalism (citizenship, immigration, etc.)
ü  Idiomatic expressions and proverbs
ü  French slang

2.    Grammar
ü  Disjunctive pronouns
ü  Object pronouns

3.    Listening
ü  Music from Diam’s (Ma France à moi, etc.)

4.    Reading
ü  Chapter 11 “La France dans l’Europe et dans le monde” from Civilisation Progressive     Du Français
ü  Immigration – Ces etrangeres, eleves modeles from Allons au-delà!

5.    Interpersonal Speaking
ü  Conversation about immigration
ü  Sélection Numéro 8 from AP French (Ladd)

6.    Presentational Speaking
ü  Oral presentation on discrimination

7.    Interpersonal Writing
ü  E-mail reply to friend in reference to their speaking engagement

8.    Presentational Writing
ü  Sélection Numéro 3 from AP French (Ladd)

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